Breathing New Life into Pueblo’s Future
Since 1959 Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority has helped stimulate and revitalize many local neighborhoods through their redevelopment process. Their goal continues to focus on redeveloping blighted areas and maintaining a strong urban core to enhance local businesses, improve public infrastructure, create new housing, reduce crime, and strengthen the school districts.
PURA participates in development projects by offering direct incentives to private developers or by investing in public improvements in designated project areas. Each project area once served as a productive area of the community and has since become deteriorated, vacant, or underutilized and needs assistance to become a viable area of the community.
Our Values
The Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority acknowledges its responsibility to:
- Create dynamic change through transformative projects that inspire unique and diverse neighborhoods.
- Protect and retain Pueblo’s downtown as the true core of our community with the understanding that a community’s potential need for revitalization is not confined to any one area.
- Support the community’s new job efforts.
- Inform, educate, and communicate toward a better understanding of our strategies and financing mechanisms.
- Maintain open lines of communication with partners that are impacted.
Together with their small staff of five and innovative board of commissioners, PURA works in close partnership with the City of Pueblo, the City Council, various city agencies, and downtown groups to determine which projects will impact the community.
Board Testimonials
- "PURA is among the most important public tools for supporting special development projects in our community. I am pleased with PURA’s direction and accomplishments in recent years and its vision for continuing success in the future."
Jon Walker
PURA Board Commissioner
"The Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority ensures that the City of Pueblo is moving full steam ahead ensuring better neighborhoods, and a very bright future for current and future Puebloans."
Chris DeLuca
School District 70 Board Director
"Pueblo Urban Renewal is the finest problem-solving unit in improving and maintaining infrastructure in our great city! PURA has the tools to address issues essential to the future of Pueblo with investments in infrastructure, affordable housing, and jobs with equitable pay, particularly in blighted and underserved areas!"
Marlene Bregar
Special Districts Representative, PURA
"As a Pueblo City Councilman, I am honored to have been selected to serve as the voting member representing the City of Pueblo on the Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority board. PURA is an extension of our City government, and it exists only to help our City. They give us the opportunity for additional capital for major construction projects, eliminating blight and providing opportunities for economic development."
Dennis Flores
City Council Representative, PURA
"The Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority is important to me as it provides a vehicle to improve the City of Pueblo for the benefit of the citizens of Pueblo."
Ralph Williams
Treasurer, PURA
"Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority is the agency that creates the flexibility for creative financing for public and private development in the Pueblo Community. Without it, we might not have the Main Street Parking Garage, the Convention Center Expansion and Parking Garage, the Evraz Rail Mill Expansion, and many other developments and improvements to Pueblo."
Don Banner
Board Commissioner, PURA
"Urban Renewal is an economic development tool used in revitalizing areas of "blight" through public investments that stimulate private development. This is a critical piece of development in today's society."
Louie Carleo
Board Commissioner, PURA
"Investing in our community through infrastructure, economic development, and improving the quality of life in our neighborhoods is critical to a healthy community. I believe PURA is Pueblo's own trailblazer in spearheading all of this, and I am honored to be a part of an organization that impacts our fellow citizens and community positively."
Jeanette Garcia
Board Commissioner, PURA
Financial Information
PURA Annual Reports
PURA Budgets
PURA Audit Reports
Upcoming Board & Committee Meetings
Friday, January 31, 2025, 12:30 p.m., SRDA, PURA Bylaws Committee Meeting
Monday, February 3, 2025, 12:00 p.m., Pueblo Convention Center, PURA Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 1:30 p.m., PURA Office, PURA Community Relations Committee Meeting