Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority
Making our community a better place to live, work, and play
Helping to enhance your neighborhood through redevelopment projects that create jobs, eliminate blight, improve public infrastructures, and preserve history.
Connect with UsYou might be wondering how redevelopment can help you or why the area’s redevelopment is so vital to the economic health of your community.
Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority’s (PURA) mission is to stabilize, enhance, and support economic vitality through community-driven development projects.
PURA is here to Inform, educate, and communicate toward a better understanding of their strategies and financing mechanisms.
PURA works within specific geographical areas adopted by City Council and guided by an improvement plan for the area. The authority follows a structured process to take redevelopment from concept to reality.
Since 1959 Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority has helped stimulate and revitalize many local neighborhoods through redevelopment. Their goal continues to focus on redeveloping blighted areas and maintaining a strong urban core – crucial to enhancing economic health.